Navigating the difficulties of this crisis — the uncertainty, the anxiety, and the grief — can take its toll. Those struggles are worth acknowledging and worth working through. When we feel overwhelmed or in over our head, it is important to take deep breaths and reach out to our social circles and/or do our best to practice healthy coping strategies. We are not alone.
We’ve collected some mental health resources, research and practices worth looking through if you or someone you know is struggling.
According to the American Psychology Association, several factors can exacerbate, explain, or improve mental health illnesses during an already stressful time.
- “Social media may escalate anxiety more than traditional media.
- Too much media of any kind can undermine mental health.
- Trustworthy information sinks in.
- A lack of control fuels stress.
- Managing stress ASAP can prevent long-term troubles.
- Don’t forget the needs of healthcare workers.
- Quarantine and social isolation may increase the odds of negative outcomes.” [despite the obvious health benefits]
View the full article for more information.
Especially in times like we are in, it is normal to feel very stressed or anxious. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), it is important to monitor your stress levels and respond accordingly:
- “Recognize and heed early warning signs of stress.
- Recognize how your own past experiences affect your way of thinking and feeling about this event, and think of how you handled your thoughts, emotions, and behavior around past events.
- Know that feeling stressed, depressed, guilty, or angry is common after an event like an infectious disease outbreak, even when it does not directly threaten you.
- Connect with others who may be experiencing stress about the outbreak. Talk about your feelings about the outbreak, share reliable health information, and enjoy conversation unrelated to the outbreak, to remind yourself of the many important and positive things in your lives.
- Take time to renew your spirit through meditation, prayer, or helping others in need.”
- CDC: Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19, APA
- Coronavirus-Anxiety-Workbook, The Wellness Society
- If you are feeling thoughts about ending your like, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.TALK (8255).
- If you are in need of local health services, reach out to Community Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services at 269) 467-1000 or on their website.
- Don’t hesitate to reach out to close friends or family if you are in need of talking through stressors you are experiencing.
Stay tuned for our next article which will walk through the Coronavirus-Anxiety-Workbook.