Are you ready for this? We can hardly believe it, but we are thrilled to announce: we’ve not only met our $3,000 match challenge, but we’ve officially reached our $50,000 goal before June 15! What does this mean? Lots of things!
- We’ve made it halfway to our overall $100,000 Brick Campaign goal.
- Next week, we’ll sign the paperwork to pay off the mortgage and give *culture is not optional full ownership of the Huss Project property.
- This summer, we’ll begin approaching major donors with the critical, foundational support of over 165 households.
- AND: We are daring to dream another dream to keep our momentum going. Announcing [drumroll please]…
THE GREAT TOILET CHALLENGE! That’s right, folks. We are daring to believe that after meeting our halfway goal of $50,000, we can raise another $2,000 before June 15 to get two bathrooms up and running in the school. Here’s what meeting this incredibly unsexy, but necessary goal would mean for us:
- We won’t have to send kids home in the middle of Family Fun Night or gardening times.
- We won’t have to dump money into portable toilets for Future Fest on July 20.
- We’ll be well on our way toward our goal of having one room fully functional by the end of the year.
Perhaps you can imagine how ecstatically buoyant our volunteer staff feels after meeting our $50,000 goal! In fact, we are working on a surprise that we’ll reveal on June 15 as an expression of our thanks. In the meantime, if you’re able to give toward the Great Toilet Challenge, we can make a critical improvement for our summer programming.
We are so grateful for all of the many kinds of support all of you have offered the Huss Project, both during and before our big Brick Campaign. Thank you for continuing to keep our work in your thoughts and prayers!