We asked friends, neighbors, and community partners to give us their ideas for the brand-new Imaginarium once it’s completed. Here’s what some of our local students said:
Where in Three Rivers is someone likely to spot you, and what would you be doing there?
At the middle school in Three Rivers.
What is your connection to Huss?
Some of us have been involved with Huss throughout the years while some of us are just learning about it.
The Huss Project is working on turning the old kindergarten room into a cool new space with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and room for community events. What’s your most creative idea for something that could happen there?
We’d love to see lots of opportunities to do like painting and pottery classes. Movie nights are definitely a favorite idea with all kinds of movies, action, Disney, comedy, or even some Mr. Rogers. We’re also big fans of video games and eating good food. Ways we can share all these things together would be awesome!