Calling all good people who love a good deal in support of a good cause: this year’s Huss Future Fest rummage sale is going to be amazing! I hope you have your calendar marked for the Fest, which is just one week from today—that’s July 22 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
The annual rummage sale is one of our most popular events, and one of our biggest fundraisers for the Huss Project. What I really love about it is all of the many kinds of giving that happen around the sale!
- It starts with our donors, who clean out a little corner of the garage or pack up the leftovers from their own sale to donate.
- Then, countless volunteers unpack, sort, and price the items that come our way. This year’s volunteers have included *cino staff and interns and supporters, as well as campers from Camp Tavor and YMCA Camp Eberhart.
- Next, we get day-of volunteers on the schedule to staff the sale—ready to answer your questions with a smile and help you lug that new treasure out to your car.
- Then, of course, there’s YOU: our customers who browse the shelves, looking for something neat to take home in exchange for a contribution to the Huss Project.
- And finally, *cino staff and volunteers—more campers and usually the staff of the Calvin College Service-Learning Center—help pack up the leftovers and make sure they get to other local agencies to serve families in need.
A lot of people help out with this sale AND this sale really helps a lot of people…and puts a lot of good stuff to re-use rather than the trash!
We are done accepting rummage for this year, but please keep us in mind for a donation next June and let us know if you’d like to jump in on volunteering for the day-of sale, the follow-up bag sale on July 29, or packing up leftovers.