*cino needs YOU to vote each day in December to help us win a $50,000 grant to renovate the old kindergarten room at Huss School! Why vote? Read on…
Reason #26: Three Rivers churches can collaborate to serve beyond the walls of their buildings through artistic expression.
We’ll just say it: churches should not exist only for the benefit of those within their four walls. Sure, those are the folks who pay the bills to keep the lights on and a preacher in the pulpit, but the church is called to so much more than just maintaining an in-the-black institution with a nice building.
Imagine what might happen if a church decided to go where the needs are and serve, not out of an ulterior motive to put butts in their upholstered seats, but out of a genuine desire to be the love of Christ to others. What if the hand bells came out of their air-conditioned closet and became one of the activities that engaged middle-schoolers during the summer. Or what if the puppet stage the Sunday school program uses once a week started making an appearance on Saturday afternoons at the community garden to teach pre-schoolers and their parents about good nutrition. What if, in addition to learning about the philosophical connections between faith and popular music, a high school youth group learned the hands-on skills needed to produce a concert. Maybe you know a place where this is happening already. In fact, we hope you do! And may Huss School provide just one more venue for such missional, creative activity.
December 26, 2010