Whether you are hunting for carnival glass, owl figurines, record albums, a funky retro hanging lamp, a loveseat for the family room, dog signage, pots & pans, or school clothes for the kids, you’ll want to check out the rummage sale at Huss Future Fest 2018!
This year’s sale has a new look to it as we’ve rearranged and organized to make your shopping experience easier and fun. Multiple rooms off the main hallway feature furniture, home decor, a huge gardening section, electronics, vintage cameras, records, books, music, jewelry, household items, holiday decor, and clothing. Price signs will be posted throughout for the basic costs in each area or items are priced as marked.
Be sure to SHOP EARLY for the best selection as rummage moves fast—doors open at 9:00 a.m. sharp! Plus you’ll want to leave plenty of time to visit all the rooms so you won’t miss out on the the treasures we gathered for you. Help us make this the best rummage sale ever!