“Intentional community” is a term that refers to a group of people who are sharing specific aspects of their lives together in order to live out certain common principles, sometimes referred to as a “rule of life.” Intentional communities usually have a vision for serving their local community and live simply in order to afford the time and money for such service. Monasteries like St. Gregory’s Abbey west of Three Rivers are an example of one kind of intentional community, in which prayer is the focus. The Kalamazoo Peace House is another example, quite different from a monastery, but similar in the sense of a shared rule of life.
*culture is not optional has experienced a growing intentional community around its work in Three Rivers, as both local residents and new residents who have moved into the city have begun to collaborate on the Huss Project, special events and weekly meals. Though the faith commitments of this group are diverse, there is a shared passion for exploring how the love of Christ can shape our way of life in the world today. The *cino community is currently spread throughout the city, with a concentration in downtown Three Rivers and participants work part-time jobs in the community, while keeping space in their lives to serve our neighborhoods through a variety of outlets. Eventually, the Huss Project will contain residential space for participants in this community.
Though the residential space at the Huss Project is a long way off, there are many ways to plug into this intentional community already, via summer internships for college students, or simply joining a weekly meal. Please contact us if you’d like to get connected.