Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


The 1oth annual of Huss Future Festival at The Huss Project was an overwhelming success! Over 1,000 people enjoyed the newly renovated pavilion and Imaginarium last Saturday. 40+ volunteers, 13+ community organizations and 25+ artists were in attendance. With all of your support, we raised over $7,000 in funds for The Huss Project! New sections to...

Are you a person that just loves a good bargain? You can’t wait until the Garage Sale season starts.  You have to stop at every Flea market, Antique store or Secondhand store that crosses your path--- even on vacation!  Then you NEED to attend the 10th Annual Huss Future Festival Rummage Sale in Three Rivers,...

This year, we'll continue to host artists and artisans from Three Rivers and the surrounding areas. They will be selling a variety of awesome work including maple syrup and soap, prints, shirts, lavender moon macrame and more! Many thanks to all of our vendors who will be coming. Whether you've been here before or are...

In just a couple weeks, we'll be filling up the long hallway of Huss with art of all kinds made by the local crafters and creative minds of our community. Artist guilds, independent designers, and young artistic enthusiasts will be displaying their creations for you to enjoy and find new perspectives through each artist's unique...

10 years ago this week, *culture is not optional purchased The Huss Project with the help of the Three Rivers community and beyond. We're so thankful for the support that has carried, encouraged and pushed us throughout the years. We look forward to a new season of growth with you as we continue to plant,...

For the 7th year running, *culture is not optional is partnering with Three Rivers Community Schools to provide FREE summer lunches for kids at the Huss Project.  Any school-aged child, from anywhere, are eligible to receive a free lunch! Lunches will be distributed Monday through Friday from 11:45-noon, from June 10 to August 9 (there are no lunches on July 4). Lunch will...