Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


We are very pleased to announce that, through a partnership with Three Rivers Community Schools, there will be FREE summer lunches for kids at the Huss Project.  Wow! "WHEN?" you ask.  Lunches will be distributed Monday through Thursday from noon-12:15, beginning next Monday on June 17 and ending August 8 (no lunches the week of July...

There are things in life that we take for granted. One of those things is the ability to flush away our wastes and never have to see them again. Right now, we are lacking that ability at the Huss Project. And so our first Herculean task after the mortgage payoff is to furnish Huss with working...

(Past and present *cino staffers during a spring break service-learning program in March. Left to right: Deborah Haak, Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma, Elizabeth Brouwer, Rob Vander Giessen-Reitsma, Jordan Skinner, Jay Howard, Kyle Luck.) In the midst of our often chaotic lives, we must remember to be joyful ("though we have considered all the facts"). *culture is not optional has been...

In June 2009, after an unbelievable $25,000-in-40-days fundraising campaign, *culture is not optional (*cino) purchased Huss School on land contract.  The contract stipulated a balloon payment of almost $50,000 in June 2013, after four years of monthly mortgage payments.  In December 2012, we launched a Brick Campaign to raise $100,000: $50,000 to pay the balloon...

As of this morning, we've raised $44,400 together toward our Brick Campaign goal of $50,000 by June 15.  Here's a quick rundown of some interesting numbers from the campaign so far: 149 donors have purchased bricks 110 donors have contributed $200 or less 9 donors have contributed $1,000 or more 48 donors are from Three Rivers 87 donors are from...