A few imaginings for Huss School
Kirstin offers a few ideas in her catapult magazine editorial for what she'd love to see at Huss School as we move forward with the Imagining Space project. Check it out and then add your own! ...
Kirstin offers a few ideas in her catapult magazine editorial for what she'd love to see at Huss School as we move forward with the Imagining Space project. Check it out and then add your own! ...
For the past six years, Rob and I have been attending the Jubilee Conference in Pittsburgh every February. Jubilee is a gathering of college students from throughout the eastern U.S. and Canada who have a hunger to learn about how faith thoroughly infuses all of life, from studies to vocation and everywhere in between. There...
May 27 is here! We set this date and the $20,000 fundraising goal early in May according to the terms of *cino's offer to purchase the historic Huss School in Three Rivers, Michigan. As I write, we have just over $5,000 left to go and we're still waiting to see what the rest of this...
Last night we held a hastily-arranged question and answer session in Three Rivers about the Imagining Space project. We gathered at World Fare (the fair trade store Kirstin and I helped found in 2003) to eat delicious treats (thanks Amber!) and discuss possibilities for the Huss School property. About a dozen people with various connections...
This morning, Rob and I worked at World Fare, the volunteer-run fair trade store we helped found in Three Rivers in 2003. Word has continued to circulate around town about our plans for Huss School and the Imagining Space project and one theme of the responses we're hearing lately regards the huge-ness of this...
One of the big ideas for the space that results from the Imagining Space campaign is an off-campus program for college students. In the course of shared meals, grocery trips, concerts and other activities with our student friends at Calvin College, we've come to realize the value of simply doing life together as a means...