This year, the Annual Three Rivers Area Faith Community (TRAFC) Back to School Celebration will take place during Huss Future Festival on July 23. Along with the well-anticipated games, art, music, rummage, and food, there will be a backpack and school supply giveaway for all school-aged kids. The celebration excites everyone for the coming school year, encourages relationships among community members, and provides needed school supplies to local students. An average of 400 children receive supplies every year; however, in order to make this happen, we need help!
We are looking for both school supplies and monetary donations. This year, we are in need of the following items:
- Backpacks
- Washable markers
- 12-packs of crayons
- Glue sticks
- 150-sheet packs of loose leaf paper
- Rulers
- Scissors (both regular and child-sized)
- Ball point pens
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Pocket folders
- 1 subject notebooks (70 sheets)
Donations can be dropped off at Huss School any time it is open to the community (Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm; Thursdays, 4:00-7:00pm; or Saturdays, 9:00am-1:00pm) or at World Fare store downtown during business hours. Monetary donations can be sent to TRAFC at P.O. box 273, Three Rivers, MI 49093. If you have questions or contributions, please contact Tim Raakman, pastor of Three Rivers Christian Reformed Church and treasurer of TRAFC. 269-244-0585.
A huge thank you in advance for supporting these important events!