In The Republic, Plato says, “Come then, and let us pass a leisure hour in storytelling, and our story shall be the education of our heroes.” We at The Huss Project make this same invitation. Come educate our heroes, or yourself be educated. We will begin our summer of storytelling on June 6 at the Huss Project. We encourage you to bring a dish to pass and enjoy the foods of others at the pre-storytelling potluck. We eat at 7:00pm and start the storytelling at 8:00pm. We encourage stories of between five and seven minutes, but these rules are not set in stone.
For an outline of our Summer Storytelling Series, look below. And remember, themes are merely suggestions for a story. If something needs to get out of your chest and into the air, tell that story, no matter the topic.
Join us for our Storytelling kickoff! Our first theme for the series will be Origin Stories. Tell us about the beginning of something. Tell us how you became a superhero. Tell us what started something that started something else that led to something amazing or something shocking. What began in your life!
Our second storytelling night will feature the theme of Books. Come and regale us with a story of your favorite book, the first book you ever read, what books mean to you, anything related to that ever-so-precious commodity of words on paper.
Our third Storytelling theme will revolve around the topic of local haunts. Have you ever had a place that was distinctly your own? Have you ever found somewhere off the beaten path that spoke to you in ways you didn’t expect? Tell us about these secret places in your life, but don’t tell us where they are because then everyone will know!
Our final storytelling night of the summer will revolve around the wonderful, edible, sensible topic of food. Talk about it when it was in the ground or when it was in your mouth. Talk about preparing it, cutting it, chewing it, digging it up, whatever makes for a good tale!