It’s getting hotter and hotter out there and we all need to keep hydrated! Ainsley Rynders, *cino summer intern, fills glasses full of water to wash down a freshly made chicken pad thai at our most recent Underground Supper Club. We are passionate about cooking, and we love to share it with others; but, like Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma in the background, we also like to take a moment to chat with our wonderful guests. Our love and excitement for these Supper Clubs is overflowing, but in July we’re taking a break for this year’s Future Festival! So save the date: July 20th we’ll be having a day of food, art, rummage and activities at the Huss Project, looking fondly at the present and forward to the future! Our shining faces will be there, and we hope to see yours as well. We’ll resume Supper Clubs in August; please contact us if you’d like to be added to the invitation list.