The *culture is not optional community got pretty excited when we realized we had raised enough money to pay the balloon payment on our mortgage and that we were going to be able to keep the historic Huss School property for continuing community development work in Three Rivers. We may have broken out into celebratory dance (see above).
Not only did we meet the goal of raising $50,000 by June 15 to pay off our mortgage, but we also met the Great Toilet Challenge of 2013! That’s right: as of yesterday, we’ve raised enough dollars beyond our first Brick Campaign goal to get two bathrooms in Huss functional in time for this year’s Future Festival. We are extraordinarily grateful for the support of everyone who purchased a brick, donated money and supplies, participated in fundraising events, spread the word and simply held the *cino volunteer staff in thought and prayer through this tremendous effort.
And now, reinvigorated with gratitude, we continue to work as summer programming begins in earnest next week and we enter phase two of the Brick Campaign. Thank you for seeing the great potential in this budding project and sharing in our ridiculous joy!